
Modern science depends on computing. In fact, many recent scientific discoveries would not be possible without the aid of computers and specialized instruments. But as scientific computing has advanced, our ability to manage and extract insights from the resulting massive amounts of data has struggled to keep pace. An expanded high-performance computing ecosystem is called for to address scientists’ data needs.

Introducing CADES, the Compute and Data Environment for Science at the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Launched internally by the Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate, CADES is a fully integrated infrastructure offering compute and data services for researchers lab-wide. Be it computing, data analytics, data storage, or networking, CADES provides a one-stop shop for everything researchers need to maximize scientific output.

By facilitating scientists’ data workflows, CADES serves as a foundational “big data center” that aspires to address present and future DOE data challenges. With this platform, user facilities, staff members, and research teams can process, manage, and analyze large amounts of data by leveraging CADES high-performance computing resources, scalable storage, data analysis, and visualization tools.

Overview of CADES