Advanced Materials

CADES’ integrated infrastructure is helping scientists supercharge the study of materials and turn experimental observations into insights in minutes instead of months. By linking high-resolution imaging to big data analytics, scientists are gaining the ability to predict materials’ properties as they manipulate them at sub-nanometer scales in real time.

Clean Energy

Clean energy research initiatives spanning multiple scientific disciplines are leveraging CADES’ compute and data resources to accelerate research into alternative energy sources that touch the biological, materials, nuclear, and other domains. In areas as diverse as climate modeling, genetics and materials imaging, CADES users are reducing the time and costs of standard data and analysis functions through scientific workflow automation.

National Security

CADES’ capabilities in computing, data analytics, data storage, and networking are being employed to protect US citizens and advance national security priorities. The CADES infrastructure supports multiple data security levels with separate open research and secure network enclaves to ensure authenticated access to sensitive information.

Neutron Science

Large-scale computing environments like CADES promise to accelerate neutron research by reducing the amount of time needed to analyze and interpret data via automated analysis and machine learning. Researchers are currently using CADES to directly integrate simulation and modeling into the data analysis loop of neutron experiments. This close coupling allows scientists to refine theoretical models against experimental observation and better predict the direction experiments should take next.

Nuclear Science

Like most advanced research today, nuclear science leans heavily on high-performance computing and data services to explore the structure of matter and safely test life-saving and energy-producing nuclear applications. CADES supplies data management and workflow resources for the modeling and simulation of nuclear reactors, an efficient practice that produces new knowledge on extending the life of reactors and implementing safer technology.


Integrating CADES with ORNL’s leadership-class supercomputing resources, including the Cray XK7 Titan, not only accelerates research in multiple scientific domains—from materials, to high-energy physics, to climate modeling—but also creates unprecedented opportunities for discovery. The coupling gives scientists the ability to tie theoretical models directly to experimental observation, meaning experiment and simulation can now be adjusted in real time.