2019 CADES User Survey Results

2019 CADES User Survey Results

The 2019 CADES User Survey was given in September of 2019. Of the 768 users who were sent the survey, 106 responded. Below are graphical representations of the results.

Where do you work at ORNL?


 What best describes your work?

 What computing and data challenges do you face in your research?

Which of the following CADES resources have you heard of / used?

How happy are you with CADES resources and services? (1=not happy, 5=Very Happy) 

What could CADES improve?

Actions Resulting From Survey Response 


Software update to Geant4 suggested by Survey comments done, 9-15-19


Dedicated Cades User Support staff member hired, Fall 2019


Regular Monthly CADES Townhall and Cloud User meeting established, Fall 2019


CADES team committee formed to revise and organize documentation, Fall 2019